How do crystals work?

Everything vibrates.
Our human eye can't see this but everything vibrates at different frequencies. Some higher, some lower.
Einstein is famously quoted for saying that everything in life is a vibration and it is. It's an important quote to remember in all aspects of our life but for now we'll concentrate on crystals!
Scientists have assigned different frequencies to different ‘things’ by studying them, that also applies to us.
As human's our vibration is constantly changing, transforming, evolving, our frequency is in a state of flux. Then add in our moods, health, thoughts and personal experiences these can all have an impact. Our vibration is never consistent. There are so many variables throughout our day and life
It makes sense that when you feel full of love and joy you are going to be vibrating at a higher frequency than if you are feeling full of fear and guilt.
This is all backed up by science.
It can help us to make sense of why we are drawn to certain people and not others. It's why you can find yourself attracting the same situations, people, relationships, over and over are vibrating at a particular level and attracting those things that are also vibrating at that level. This is why we sometimes need to shift our vibration to move past this and what has always been, to create something new.
Remembering ~ Nothing changes, until it changes.
This is known at the law of entrainment.
Just like we have the law of gravity, attraction, cause and effect, there are several Universal laws our world (and us) are governed by.
The law of entrainment is where we sync with an external rhythm. That could be a situation, a person, an event, a place or an object.
There are experiments where Grandfather clocks, whose pendulums have been swinging out of sync, when placed near one another, start to synchronise.
It’s the same for women who live together and start menstruating at the same time, after just a few months of living in the same space. This is how it always was in years gone by and why many cultures had a 'Red Tent' for women to go during this time.
It's also why we feel so good when we are out in nature. We align to nature's vibration which is high, it naturally lifts us.
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This is also the principle of how crystals support us.
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Unlike humans whose frequency will change depending on so many factors, environmental and emotional - crystals stay the same, their energy is stable and consistent.
It's also how certain attributes have been assigned to certain crystals, because of the frequency they vibrate at. This has been measured on a scale.
There is some fascinating work by Dr David Hawkins Power Vs Force, on this concept which I highly recommend reading (about people not crystals but the vibration concept applies to all things).
And this is why 'working with crystals' can be so helpful.
Crystals not only vibrate at a high frequency (which is when we feel at our best ~ think high vibe love, low vibe fear) they can help to recalibrate our frequency too...because of entrainment.
Crystals are highly ordered crystalline solids, meaning that there particles, atoms, ions and molecules are arranged in a repeating pattern.
Because of their highly ordered molecular structure, crystals are able to maintain a vibration consistently, whereas humans on a molecular level are extremely chaotic and our vibrations are constantly changing. This is how crystals are able to aid us in healing because their vibration helps to stabilise our vibration and align to their own.
As we're always changing, regenerating, healing, ageing and experiencing different things we are in a constant state of transformation and flux.
But we're also very susceptible to picking up on external energies and our energy tunes into the world around us through entrainment, in which we synchronise with an external rhythm.
Even if you don't consider yourself to be a sensitive person, this is happening to you whether you are aware of it or not. If you are a sensitive person, this will come as no surprise and actually help to make sense of that.
It's like tuning into different radio stations, connecting to different frequencies. It's why your mood can change depending on who you're with or what's happening around you.
Just like when you hear your favourite song come on the radio and it can change your entire mood. Compared to how you feel to if somebody is rude to you that day without reason.
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They're both examples of entrainment in action. 
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(They're also both examples of law of attraction in action, a nudge from the Universe you're vibration is good or it's dropping and to do something about it..but that's a whole other topic - we explore topics like this in my membership if you're interested in diving in deeper).
The definition of entrainment is when a person synchronises with an external influence, which affects how they feel, act and move. 
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When a crystal is working, it's magic on you the effects can be subtle; it may take you a while to notice the benefits. Especially if you aren't paying attention.
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But remember, just as you won't be instantly fit from joining the gym. A crystal won't transform your life because you've bought it and left it on your table. Through the process of entrainment crystals can recalibrate our energy due to their stable frequency, when we work with them consistently and with intention.
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Remembering, intention is everything! You can read more about intention setting with crystals here.
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The colour of crystals can also support you by aligning and balancing your chakras. But the key to unlocking their power is to use them consciously, consistently and intentionally.
As with anything rewarding, it can take time. But it is a rewarding relationship when you choose to commit. A crystal can act as a talisman, a reminder of something you're consciously aiming for and that you want to bring to fruition. Seeing the crystal regularly on your altar or by your bed or on your desk. Meditating with it, using it part of an intention setting grid  are wonderful ways of working with crystals and living your life with more intention. Which leads (in my experience) to more peace, calm and joy.
Aligning with a crystal can help you stay focused, remind yourself ‘how can I embody the qualities of this crystal that I want to call into my own life’ this is a beautiful way to life and one that can benefit you so much. By incorporating crystal and rituals into your life, the act of living and being intentional will support you to become the most evolved version of you as you naturally become more aware of your highest potential and the magnificence of life that is open to you.
If you are interested in diving deeper into working with crystals, manifestation, intuition and more, you can read about my membership here.
Katie xx